DrWho_Tardis (v1.0.0) has been released!

`DrWho_Tardis` is a Doctor Who themed [Luanti](https://minetest.net) (Minetest) mod that adds various items, nodes, a working TARDIS and basic Daleks to the game.

Contents | Introduction | Features | Dependencies | v1.0.0 Changelog | Contribute | Useful Links | License

An introduction

DrWho_Tardis is a Doctor Who themed Luanti (Minetest) mod that adds various items, nodes, a working TARDIS and basic Daleks to the game. It was forked from tardis_new. It currently supports Minetest Game, and may work with other games based on that.

Download it from the in-game content manager, ContentDB, or Codeberg.

I only started playing Minetest about two and a half months ago, and am always experimenting with new mods. tardis_new was particularly interesting because I love Doctor Who and it was fun to play around with. So, three weeks ago, I opened an issue on the GitHub repository of tardis_new, asking if it was still being developed. It wasn’t, but I felt I needed to make it visible that yes, this mod is being forked if someone looked at it’s repo. It would be the first time I had created a Minetest mod.

I did get a response, but not from the original developer. It was from Irevol, the creator of the game Citadel which won the Minetest Game Jam for 2023. They said they’d love to contribute to the fork once I’ve started it. Another person (ShadowOfHassen), was re-watching Doctor Who episodes and remembered playing tardis_new, leading him to find my fork via the issue I posted and start helping out.

I decided to host the code on Codeberg instead of GitHub for these reasons, created a Matrix space #drwho_tardis:mtrx.nz, and I started working on some of the things I wanted to change and add for v1.0.0, recorded in the changelog entry below.

And now, I have released Version 1.0.0!

Features (v1.0.0)

Everything included in the mod, conveniently explained here. Make sure you have a crafting guide!

TARDISes, Daleks, Sonic Screwdrivers and more!


The main feature in this mod is the TARDIS. You will first have to craft a Gallifreyan Lab - a special workstation that allows you to create craftitems such as Arton Crystals and Compressed Spacetime. You can use those to craft a TARDIS, then place it on the ground and walk through the door. The inside will be an empty cube (better interiors are planned), in which you place the Console Units and a Time Rotor to get your TARDIS to work.

Console Units

To be able to fly your TARDIS, you have to craft 8 Console Units. Their functions should make sense if you underdstand Minetest XYZ coordinates. Most of them are made from steel ingots, a Tardis Circuitry Board and one unique item for each (grasses, cactus etc).

Time Rotor

The Time Rotor is the center of the console area, and provides the power for all TARDIS functions. It slowly generates power -1 per 15 seconds- to a maximum of 10. And no, having multiple Time Rotors will not speed that up, nor increase maximum storage.

There is a bug where sometimes it will stop generating power - to fix this, just break it and place it again.

TARDIS Customization

There are 3 themes for all the console nodes, one is the default, and the others are crafted by adding either Wood or Silver Sand to a default one on the crafting grid. You can also use the Exterior Console Unit to change what the outside of your TARDIS looks like.

Customize Your TARDIS!

Sonic Screwdriver(s)

It wouldn’t be a Doctor Who mod without a Sonic Screwdriver, which can be created from the Functions Console Unit for 5 power. Thanks to Irevol, the Sonic’s texture is randomized - for each third of the screwdriver there are 4 textures, and they are all randomised together to create the possibility for 64 (4^3) unique Sonic looks.

Here are all the sonic screwdrivers’ functions:

Gallifreyan Lab

A Gallifreyan Lab is essential if you want to create Gallifreyan technologies like a TARDIS. It does not require fuel, but is notably bad for your health! To craft it, you need various ores and minerals in block form, Tardis Circuitry, and Mese Crystals. It has several recipes:

In Out
Diamond Blocks —> Compressed Space Time
Diamonds —> Azbantium Shards
Mese Blocks —> Diamonds
Mese —> Arton Crystals
Copper Ingot —> Steel Ingots
Coal Lump —> Tin Lumps
Steel Block —> Mese Crystals
Dirt —> Coal Lumps


Added in this version (v1.0.0), Daleks are a very strong monster. They have high health, shield, and deal a lot of damage. Disable ‘Mob Griefing’ in Mobs Redo API settings to stop them from settings things on fire and blowing things up. Daleks drop Dalekanium Ingots.

There are 2 variants: A Brown one (Modern Who) that can fly, and a Gray one (Classic Who) that can’t fly and is slightly weaker.

FIght Daleks!


Dalekanium is used to create Tools and Armor, the latter of which was added in this version (v1.0.0). They are stronger than Diamond, and are crafted just like their normal variants. You can craft Dalekaium Ingots from azbantium, gold, steel, and obsidian, or get some from defeating Daleks.

Dalekanium Tools, Armour, and more!

Other, smaller features


Using the awards API, DrWho_Tardis has several achievements you can collect for various things, such as walking inside a TARDIS, eating a Tardis biscuit, and getting a Sonic Screwdriver.

Vortex Manipulator

Easy time & space travel - but it’s notably bad for your health. Right click when holding it to open a formspec where you can input the coordinates for your destination.

Gauntlet of Rassilon

A powerful weapon, once held by Rassilon himself. It one-shots almost anything, but has a very small amount of durability.

Gallifreyan Chest

Very large, and very expensive. This can make it easy to store lots of items in the small space of your TARDIS. WIll eventually be replaced by a TARDIS storage room.

/summon_tardis Chat Command

If you have the priveledge bring, the chat command will teleport your TARDIS to you. This can be useful if you have lost it and don’t have a sonic, or when testing the mod in Creative.

If your TARDIS gets blown up and drops the Tardis item, you will realise that the game doesn’t let you place it back down again. To fix that, you must either summon it using the sonic or this command.

Migrate from tardis_new to drwho_tardis

A full step-by-step guide for migrating can be found on the Wiki on Codeberg.

Known Bugs



Changelog for v1.0.0 (2024-02-18)

You can view the full changelog document on the Codeberg repo.

Thanks to ShadowOfHassen for playtesting, running through ideas, and adding Scifi_Mobs textures. Thanks to Irevol for making the Sonic texture randomiser, running through ideas and helping to add migration support.




Contribute + Follow Development

Thank you so much for reading this far! You are a great person. Future release blog posts won’t include this long feature explanation, just a changelog.

License Details

This mod is fan-made Doctor Who content. It is the work of Skivling and other individual contributors, working from the previous work of PiDemon. It is not endorsed by, associated with, or approved by the BBC. Doctor Who and all related Trademarks are property of the BBC and no infringement is being attempted.

DrWho_Tardis Minetest Mod Copyright (C) 2024 Skivling

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details in the LICENCE.txt.

It was forked from Tardis_New, under the MIT License.

All textures, models and logos included in the DrWho_Tardis Minetest Mod are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, unless otherwise noted. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/. Individual asset license details are avaliable on asset-info.md, which includes who created it, the original name and the source of the asset.

More license details and a copy of the license can be found in LICENSE.txt on Codeberg.

#doctor who   #luanti   #coding